Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Red

How alluring is this number? So cozy and very retro inspired.

Monday, November 17, 2008

On paper

Experimenting with my favorite element of collage-old dress patterns. I picked up a few packs of these from the antique market and love how this stuff layers in so many interesting ways. Portraits are becoming a bit frequent and the simplicity of line and color.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Lucky bag

Working on some fun fashion pieces highlighting a very cute Lucky bag in this one.

Thursday, November 06, 2008


October Pick
A vampy, teen novel with lots of gushing adolescent lovey-dovey angst. With Halloween just last weekend, it was fun to have one last spooky gathering with this theme. Comfort food to the max, white bean soup, tenderloin sammies, lasagna, homemade brownies, brie and rasberry filled filo cups, chocolate truffles and apple crisp. Bloody marys and red wine, of course. Our group is especially pumped to see the Twilight movie on Novemeber 21.
One theme that resonated with me in this book was the ubiquitous prom scene. The magical lights and dreamy eye-googling is every teen girl's dream. Even Bella, who didn't want to go to her prom, can't knock this moment.

Monday, November 03, 2008


Halloween is always a blast in our neighborhood, and it's very easy to get in the spirit of being ghostly. I did this piece a couple weeks ago, and now that Halloween is over, it's kind of sad, sort of like the let-down feeling after Christmas or something, Wierd, I know, but taking down decorations yesterday was done with a lot of sighing and wistfulness.
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