For the last few weeks, the renovation of our basement has finally come together! After many trips to IKEA, agonizing over carpet swatches and waiting patiently for electricians, plumbers, sheetrockers and painters to finish-we are on the edge of being finished! The carpet goes in the end of this week and the final punch list will knock out those last hanging details. But one of the most exciting parts of all this is getting to finally see the finished stained floor in my studio. I chose a color called marina blue and hoped that the 50+ years of accumulated stains, paint, rust and whatever else that took place on the floor would come through in a most amazing spontaneous finish. The sealer went on this morning, which creates depth of color and shine, and it looks so AMAZING! I've included photos, but they really don't do justice to seeing the real thing in person. Every inch of this floor is so beautiful!