My art opening was a success-I sold 6 paintings and 5 prints! So exciting for my first show, it was great fun and I think everyone had a really great time. Most of my friends made it out and I got to see some old faces as well. It was so cool to see people I haven't seen in awhile come out to see my work. And, there was definitely a lot of adrenaline and nervousness exuding from me that night! I really didn't know how my work would be received and if I would sell anything at all. But it was such a relief to hear everyone's compliments and especially interesting to see what people liked the most. Little Starling was a hit,(and sold!) many people loved Float, which was interesting because I didn't think that piece was very strong. Been Caught Stealing and Alice and the White Rabbit were favorites as well.
All my work will be on my Etsy site soon, I've just been underwater with graphic design projects and now getting out of town! We're off to the beach tomorrow, I'm so thrilled-a vacay is definitely required right now!
wow, that awesome, congrats!
Congratulations. You must feel amazing. X
Yet so relieved it's over so i can breathe again! thanks for the nice comments!
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