Saturday, January 02, 2010

Taking Flight

I was looking for some books on creativity the end of this last year, and decided on a book called "Taking Flight" It's been awhile since I've read a creativity book and thought it was good timing with the new year to be inspired with some different techniques and subject matter. I have a few ideas so far and just received a big order from Dick Blick of paint, paintbrushes, mediums and cradled wood boxes. So exciting to get new stuff! In addition to my smaller works I like to create, I'm going to start painting a bit bigger, 18x18 and 24x24. With the new year, it's so motivating to get a fresh start after a nice break! I'm really looking forward to the kids going back to school next week-it's just perfect timing and I hope to have a lot of sketches to show soon-stay tuned!

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